Episode 68: Return to Play in Your Art Practice - VAS Interviews, Part 4

Another beautiful week on the Made Remarkable podcast, this episode continues the 4th week of Virtual Art Summit interviews, and these guest artists are continuing to intrigue and inspire. With VAS2023 just around the corner (only 2 days away!), the excitement is reaching its peak.
The Made Remarkable podcast has been a catalyst for bringing together amazing artists, entrepreneurs, and teachers with stories that will stick with you for many years to come. Brace yourself for an episode that lives up to its promise, featuring three remarkable women whose voices resound with strength and uniqueness.
Once you hear their stories, you won't want to miss their invaluable lessons at VAS2023. Seize the opportunity to secure early bird pricing by purchasing before June 2nd, as prices will rise once the event commences!
First, an introduction to e, a soulful spirit who shares an unwavering love for the natural world with Kellee. Not only does she infuse her art with this inspiration, but it also nourishes her very soul. e takes us on her journey, unraveling the threads that led her to this point and revealing how her art communicates with the world from a completely new perspective. From exploring the ways we connect with one another to deciphering the language of the earth itself, e's mark-making and vibrant colors possess an irresistible allure. Be sure not to miss the profound lesson she has contributed to VAS2023.
Why did we ever think that we shouldn't be playing? We grow up playing. Did we think just because we got older, somehow we don't need that release anymore? To me, play is very much about in-the-moment creation. So when I'm teaching it, I always am trying to get people to stay in that mode as long as you can. Sustain it, you don't have to change to your editor brain or to the place where you start to critique. Try to stay in that moment of pure creation. - e bond
About e bond
e bond makes digital spaces by day, handmade books by night, hangs out with trees on weekends, and writes something close to poems in the spaces between. Under the studio name roughdrAftbooks—created in 2003—she makes one-of-a-kind artist's books, printed pieces, and drawings that merge and blur the boundaries of art, craft, design, and poetry.
Follow her on Instagram and Facebook!
Next up is Carissa, whose infectious joy radiates through her voice. In this episode, she invites you into her transformative past few years, where she fearlessly pursued her passion and transformed it into a fulfilling career. Carissa unveils the magic behind her impeccable color palettes and shares her secrets for maintaining a playful artistic process. She offers invaluable advice on sidestepping the all-too-familiar traps of perfectionism and self-imposed pressures that often burden artists. Kellee is thrilled to unveil Carissa's lesson, not only because it exudes beauty and playfulness, but also because both artists share a deep affection for the vibrant hues of pink, peach, and orange. 😉
"Play is important for every artist, to allow your inner self to come out, and explore, and I think that a lot of times we're afraid of making mistakes with our art. So in my art nowadays, I try to allow myself to make mistakes. Just play, have fun, allow the process to be what it needs to be." - Carissa Gan
About Carissa Gan
I’m a self-taught abstract artist based in Malaysia. I love experimenting with colors, styles, and tools. Like wildflowers, I hope my art expresses the courage to bloom with confidence – unapologetic, unrestrained, and deeply rooted in a culture that values progression over perfection.
You can follow her on Instagram!
Kellee and Jennifer are neighbors on the east coast United States, with Kellee in Maryland, and Jennifer in Washington DC! They not only crave the playful and unrestrained joys of play in their art, but Jennifer explains how she has used her art to provide nurturing and therapeutic lessons in the classes that she teaches. Taking collage to the next level and allowing art to be transformed by what you have at your fingertips is Jennnifer's favorite way to play, along with collecting beautiful ephemera through adventures around the world.✈️ This may sound familiar because Kellee does the same! This conversation is so much fun to listen to and Jennifer is bringing her magic as an artist into her community in such a beautiful way.
"A lot of times you think making art is all about making something that's beautiful and meets some image you have in your mind of a finished product. If you can let go of that and let it be about experimenting and process and having fun with your materials, you'll find more of an original feeling in spontaneity, it's a better way to find your own direction than it is by trying slavishly to get something to look, the way you thought maybe it should look." - Jennifer Wilkin Penick
About Jennifer Wilkin Penick
My introduction to collage was in childhood, when my mother cut up magazine pages and encouraged me to make "mosaics" from them, using paste and a small tin brush. Living for decades in Italy as an adult gave me weekly access to the vintage paper vendors of Rome's legendary flea market. I studied studio art and art history and these two interests converge in my sometimes whimsical mixed media and collage works that frequently reference my relationship to (and nostalgia for) the artistic heritage of my adoptive country. In addition to being a practicing artist, I teaches art to children and to adults and I have been a Visual-Artist-in-Residence with Georgetown University Hospital's Arts & Humanities Program since 2018.
You can follow her on Facebook andInstagram!
Prepare yourself for a soul-stirring experience as the Made Remarkable podcast continues to glide across the airwaves with interviews that are too good to miss. These remarkable guests will inspire, nurture, and uplift your artistic spirit, ensuring that your own journey is nothing short of extraordinary.
Other links you might be interested in:
Rethink the possibilities with your Creative Business in 2023! Download this free guide: 100 Ways to Make Money as an Artist
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