How Running a Business is Like Doing the 100 Day Project

[00:00:00] Kellee Wynne: Well, hello. Hello. I'm Kellee Wynne, artist, author, mentor, fiercely independent mother and wife, and the founder of a multiple six figure creative business. And I love my life, but I've been where you're at. I was slogging away at this art business thing for more than a decade. Once I finally connected with my true calling, unlock the magic of marketing and built a system that could scale, while I realize I can make an impact and make a substantial income, I'm finally running a business that I love and it makes all the.

[00:00:34] Difference in the world. My biggest dream is to help you do the same. Let this podcast be the catalyst to your biggest success. You already have it in you because you are made remarkable.

[00:00:48] well, hello, hello. Welcome back. It's me. I'm finally on air again. It's Kellee and I'm coming to you with a solo episode to kick off season three. Of the Made Remarkable podcast. How have you been? I've missed you. I needed a little break. That's part of running a business.

[00:01:06] You get to decide your schedule and know when you need rest and know when you need to keep going and I'm ready to kick off the new year. I always like to kick it off in February anyway, because it's too dark and dreary and colds come and go and there's so much to unwind and get going in January.

[00:01:26] So why not have it be a February start? Who's with me? Who is on track for a beautiful unfolding for this year? I really see so much happening. I see so much coming alive in people. It's almost like we're finally coming out of. That darkness of 2020 and seeing like the viability of our future. And it's really exciting to have so much coming up this year.

[00:01:53] I cannot even wait to share it all with you from events, from travel to launching off my Build It Remarkable program in June. You're not going to want to miss it. And really incredible episodes here on the podcast. I want to connect with you deeper, so make sure that you're following me on Kellee Wynne Studios, but also I want you on my mailing list, and the reason why is I'm going to be sharing a lot of behind the scenes details, advice, things to give you that little kick in the pants that you need, so, my friends, what's today's episode all about?

[00:02:30] Look. I have this kind of in my mind for the last couple of weeks that I needed to share the connection between the 100 day project and building a business, because there's so many similarities and most of you are familiar with the 100 day project. So the 100 day project. kicks off in just a few days. I believe February 18th is the beginning and it's a worldwide phenomenon. You can find more about it at, do the 100 day project on Instagram. I'm definitely not the author of this idea. But I know that you see it happen every year.

[00:03:09] It just shows up in your feed and everybody's getting excited. And some people, they don't make it to the end and that's okay. And many people have done it for years in a row. Now, I see huge success for artists. Massive transformation and great aha light bulbs that go off when they participate in the 100 day project.

[00:03:31] Anytime you show up and do something that consistently change is going to happen, which is why I love the analogy of the 100 day project and connecting it to building your business. Am I doing the 100 day project this year? I don't know, I did say publicly that I wanted to do it and now I'm sitting here thinking, you know what, I have really big audacious dreams of launching Build It Remarkable as big and to as many people as possible so I can transform as many creative businesses as possible.

[00:04:05] I want you all thriving. So that's where my external energy is going. That's what you're going to see me talking about. That's what you're going to see me bringing guests onto the podcast. But behind the scenes, my art is still my vitality. My art is something that still helps me connect with my inner self.

[00:04:22] So the answer is yes, I am doing the 100 day project. There are things that I've wanted to explore my whole life. For example, I'm really interested in like fantastical art. creation, sketching, putting, kind of the oddities together. And this is not something you see me do on my Instagram feed. I really am mostly an abstract artist, but there's always this part of me that wants to grow and learn and discover just.

[00:04:51] For myself, literally not for share, so I'm doing the 100 day project and maybe at the very end of it all, I will show you the results of it. But while I'm working on it, I'm keeping it personal because it's really important to me to get back in touch with who I am and create just for me, not for an audience, not for the results.

[00:05:14] And I just want to tell you that's a personal choice because I know so many people who show up to do the 100 day project, and it's transformational for them for their career and their outlook on their creativity. In fact, you can go back last year. I did a podcast. On how the 100 day project is going to boost your business.

[00:05:35] But today I want to show you how the 100 day project is similar to building a business, which is a different point of view. I have 6 points. I want to discuss with you and this is going to show you the inside of how my systems work and what I really focus on to some degree, what's really important about how I coach, teach, mentor, whatever you want to call it, is that there's always got to be this foundation and what we're doing.

[00:06:07] And a consistency, your fuel to your fire must be there. And so I want to show you how the 100 day project and building a business is the same through these six principles. And I'm going to start with the very first thing is you have to decide to do it. Right. When we're looking at the 100 day project, or we're looking at deciding to monetize.

[00:06:30] Our passions and turn it into a business. You have a big decision to make and it's quite simply. You look at something like the 100 day project. That's just 100 days of consistency showing up, figuring out what you're going to do and how you're going to present it. But when you do a business, if you're in it for the long haul.

[00:06:48] If you want it to be successful, you have to decide and you have to commit to it for the long haul. But here are some things that you have to decide. You have to look at the pros and cons. It's what you want more than what you don't want. If you're saying, you know what, I don't want to give up my Netflix.

[00:07:04] I don't want to give up my free time. I don't want to give up, 

[00:07:08] Some of the regular routines that I have that I might be maybe stuck in or uncomfortable with or you're looking at my life is so busy. That I'm prioritizing, caring for elderly parents, caring for my children, working on my career. I have education. These are things that you have to look at. What are you willing to give up and sacrifice in order to make something else happen?

[00:07:33] And when it comes to the 100 Day Project, it is a lot of work. There's pressure on you to continue to show up day after day to get it done. I mean, I know people who burn out doing it, I'm one of them, and I know people who come out the other end having that feeling of immense accomplishment, no doubt about it, but are you able to commit to something?

[00:07:55] Because if you're making the decision to do it, it's a commitment. And yeah, there's a lot of people who end up backing out of the 100 day project. Like there are a lot of people who start a business and realize this isn't just a little like fluff game you do on the side. This is work. It's commitment.

[00:08:12] And when you decide to do it, you have to have all of it. Your ducks in a row when you decide to do the 100 day project, you have to make a plan, an analysis, even on how you're going to accomplish that goal at what time period every day with what supplies, how are you going to fit it into your schedule?

[00:08:33] Are you going to work on it on the weekends and then share it every day? Because not everybody does a 100 day project. Literally consecutively 1 day after another, though, I'm sure that the habit of doing it for 100 days is. Probably more effective than doing it haphazardly and still managing to make 100 pieces of artwork by the end of 100 days.

[00:08:57] Either way, you come out with the same results. So where are you fitting this into your schedule with a 100 day project? Where are you fitting it into your schedule to be committed to your creative business? What days can you block off? How are you going to change your schedule? What are you going to give up in order to make sure that you have time to dedicate to it?

[00:09:17] Because if you take on a creative business, if you've decided to monetize your passion, if you've decided you're selling your artwork, you're making an art course, you're creating an event or a workshop and you don't go all in, you're going to end up spending a lot of time and money and not getting the results that you want, which makes it a very expensive hobby.

[00:09:39] And that's not really what you came into this for, right? So your first step is deciding, is this in alignment with where I'm going? Is this part of my big audacious dreams? Does this get me to the goals that I want? Will it result in joy and success? Well, success is never guaranteed, but is it going to success as you define it, which means giving you the freedom, the finances, the time with your family, meeting with your own personal values in life?

[00:10:12] Is it giving you that? Or is it taking away from the things that you need to be focused on in your life right now? It's not for everyone. The 100 Day Project is not for everyone and neither is owning a business. But the rewards on the other side for those who do choose it and do commit to it is bigger and different than anything that you can really quite imagine.

[00:10:37] The sense of accomplishment, the sense of purpose is remarkable. I have no other way to describe it, but it is really remarkable. So if you feel that burning in you that says, I need to commit to myself, no more excuses, no more laziness, no more scrolling the phone. Before making the thing right consuming versus doing, then you're ready for the next step dive all in.

[00:11:06] But then what here's number 2. this is what happens next. You'll have to be specific or in the 100 day project. That would be. Figuring out a style, figuring out what supplies you want to do. What is your main focus with the 100 day project? If you've noticed as people participate in the 100 day project, or if you've done it in the past years, you narrow your parameters.

[00:11:31] It's not 100 days of whatever. It's 100 days of something specific. 100 days of something specific. In drawing 100 days of abstract artwork, 100 days of, portraits, and usually it's 100 days of portraits in oil on a 5 by 7 panel. Most artists who participate in the 100 day project get very specific because they know what that specificity they are going to have.

[00:12:01] An increased chance of success. They're going to be able to dive deep, not wide, but deep into their practice to get better at it, to know themselves better, to unlock parts of their creativity that weren't there before. And in the business world, we would call that a niche. It's the success of your business is to get very specific with your intent, who you serve, how you're going to serve, what you're doing, what you're not doing, because if you were to show up for the 100 day project, and 1 day, you're going to sketch in the journal and the next day, you're painting a big painting and 1 day, maybe your goal is to just learn how to make a vegan meal.

[00:12:45] I don't know, but that's not a 100 day project. That's a 100 days of doing things for fun. And it's not going to result in you deepening your skill level, which is the whole point of the 100 day project is to really improve the thing that you want to do so that you get good at it. So when you're picking the 100 day project, you want to pick the skill that you want to improve the most.

[00:13:09] The thing that interests you at this moment that you know that will propel you forward, whether it's art journaling every single day. Or it's learning how to make textiles and fiber, or it's learning how to throw pots because I would love to do that. You know, I have a little mini obsession right now with making pottery.

[00:13:27] So, if I had something that I really wanted to grow and learn at, that I know is going to propel my career forward to propel my skills forward, that's where I'm going to focus with the 100 day project. And likewise in building a business, if I'm all over the place, and I'm going to Sell a little bit of hand crocheted stuff here, and maybe some stickers over here, and a few illustrations here.

[00:13:51] And I'm going to teach a workshop on art journaling over here, and none of it's connected. Guess what? It's going to be just as disjointed as trying to run the 100 day project with no focus. And this is one of my biggest principles that I help artists with when they're building their business is getting that kind of clarity.

[00:14:10] If you don't get down to, like, the core foundation of what your business is supposed to be about. the person that you're serving, the purpose, the pain points, the problem that you solve, and how you're going to solve it so that you are known for it, so that you are understood, so that people can point their finger and say, Hey, Mary Jane, she's known for color.

[00:14:35] You want to go and find her because she's going to teach you everything you need to know about color and acrylic painting, right? So you want to become known for the thing. That you're building your business on and in order to do that, you have to have a thing that people can be able to point their finger and say, that's the person.

[00:14:52] That's the expert in that field. And it's really funny because artists are known. They're notorious for being multi passionate. I'm so multi passionate. I want to do beating. I want to do crocheting. I want to do pottery. I want to learn how to grow a garden. I want to travel the world. I want to learn another language.

[00:15:11] I want to write a book. I'm telling you, that's me, and I know that's you. But when it comes to building a business, if we rely on our multi passionate tendencies, We're going to struggle, we're going to spin our wheels, throw the spaghetti, in some ways just suffer through trying to figure it out until we finally come exhausted to the other end and throw our hands up and say, okay.

[00:15:36] I'm finally listening to you, Kelly. I'm going all in on one niche because what happens when you go in on one niche is you become known for it. It's easier to find the right customers that fit in with it. It's easier to communicate it and discuss it. That means that your messaging, your marketing, your connections, they all deepen by knowing with that much clarity exactly what you're doing with your business.

[00:16:00] What niche that you. Fill in the world that you're working in and this doesn't mean that forever and a day for the rest of your life You're stuck in pigeon holed in one thing But when you're getting going just like when you're choosing to do the 100 day project you need to pick a focus You can expand from there.

[00:16:19] I mean, when the 100 day project is done and you've learned everything that you need to know about abstract art and mark making, then where do you go and push yourself next? You push the reins of it, to bigger pieces, to creating a collection, to teaching a workshop in France so that all abstract artists can come and dive deep in with you because they know.

[00:16:42] You're the abstract artist and you've developed the skill and you've really shown what you're capable of. So, like with the 100 Day Project, it's the same thing with your business. You become really known for it and then as you go deeper with it, you can expand from there. So, really seeing one of the most important connections between the 100 Day Project and building your business is Being very clear and specific about your boundaries, about what it is you're doing, how you're doing it, when you're doing it, and how you plan to show up.

[00:17:16] Will it morph and evolve over 100 days or over the years of your business? For sure. But you still have parameters because if you didn't have parameters, you wouldn't know what to do when you show up at your easel. You wouldn't know when it's time to walk into the studio and work on your project for the day.

[00:17:32] It would stop you cold and you know this. When you don't have a plan, it's really hard to get going, but when you have a plan, you can push yourself to the next level. And that's what I want you to start thinking about with your business, how important it is to be specific, to niche down your business so that you're really focused on one thing.

[00:17:54] And a niche isn't simply saying, I'm going to teach. People to make art and be confident in it. That's general. How much more specific can you get? And I'm going to be teaching you more about this on the podcast in the coming months because to me This is one of the biggest unlocks that me and my clients have all had over the last couple of years as I've worked with them on growing their business and really bringing in the kind of income that they want and making the impact that they have always wanted to make.

[00:18:29] Okay, so number three, and I think that we've kind of already glossed over this, but number three is you must be dedicated. Because if you're going to make a decision to do the 100 day project, you're going to feel so much better at the end of it when you've Accomplish it. It's like I've set out to get my degree.

[00:18:48] I'm going to go all the way through the process and come out the other side with my diploma. I've put my mind on running the marathon. And I'm going to train for it. I'm going to work for it. I'm going to be prepared for it. And I'm going to run the marathon and sometimes a 100 day project and your business feel like a marathon.

[00:19:09] It's a long game. It's not a short, quick win. So you have to be dedicated to the process and know that every day that you show up is another day closer to your goal. And I don't know that I need to really pound this idea down much, I feel like you're probably like just sitting here with an aha moment going, yep, that's it, it's dedication to the, the thing that I want the most, I'm going to stay dedicated to, and if you really want to grow a business that's profitable, that makes an impact, you have to stay dedicated to it, you have to continue to learn And grow and get the information you need and transform what you're doing so that it improves every time.

[00:19:51] And that's the same thing that's going to happen with the 100 day project. You stay dedicated to the end and your outcome is going to be unbelievable. You're going to unlock parts that you didn't know were there and you're going to get better and improve with that dedication. All right, I'm going to just move into number 4.

[00:20:08] Dedication is different. Dedication is the long haul is making the commitment. But four, my number four is consistency, which is different in the sense that that means you're showing up every day for the thing that you said that you wanted. The consistency in showing up on social media and sharing your 100 day project results in growth for your audience.

[00:20:32] It results in you being able to understand how to communicate. It results in you understanding how to even use the tool of social media in the first place. That consistency of showing up, doing the thing, sharing the thing, talking about the thing, documenting the thing, that 100 day project as you consistently show up for it day after day and present it to the world is really what's propelling your, no, I don't want to say notoriety, but like, just the knowledge of who you are and making connections with a community and Uh, possible customer base for that matter.

[00:21:13] I've watched people build their entire business off of doing the 100 day project and showing up consistently for 100 days. I've seen them go from unknown to well known with a lot of followers, starting art courses, selling out art collections, creating communities. And this is an amazing thing that can happen when you are showing up every day.

[00:21:35] Doing the thing that you committed to doing and that's the same thing with your business. You show up every day for your business with the thing that you are determined to do the consistency of sharing your message. You are going to connect with people. You are going to change lives. You're going to change your own life.

[00:21:52] And it's in the consistency in the doing that you're going to find on the other side that you've learned more than you ever thought possible. I have a lot of my students who are like, well, I just don't even know the first step of, you know, getting seen on Instagram. Guess how I figured it out.

[00:22:11] I just did it. And I know that seems maybe a little bit cheeky for me to say, but it was in the doing and the watching what other people were doing, poking around on the app and saying, what does this do? What, what can I do with this? And as every time Instagram changed, I would change again. And I'm not just talking about Instagram, but Pinterest, my website, YouTube, the podcast and every single time it's like, can I just figure this out?

[00:22:37] Can I just poke around, show up, learn what other people are doing, maybe watch a few YouTube videos and learn how to improve what I'm doing so that every time I go and make another post, I'm figuring out better how to connect. And I'm still doing that to this day. That consistency of showing up is what's built my business.

[00:22:56] 10 years now, people, as of February 2024, 10 years now, I've been on Instagram. But that consistency of showing up, as much work as it is, as much as we go, uh, I'm so tired of it. I feel like it's sucking my creativity out of me. Yes, we need boundaries. I have no doubt about that. But if you are in business, There's never been a better time never been a better time in the history of the world to be your own best advocate and grow a business because prior to the invention of the Internet and social media.

[00:23:31] What did we have? We had to rely on galleries. We had to rely on ads and magazines. We had to rely on being seen. Paying money for it or being discovered and the possibilities were so much smaller to be able to advocate for yourself and grow your business. And now with social media, if you are in business, you have to look at as part of your job.

[00:23:53] And so instead of complaining, we show up and we do the thing and we are consistent. And we learn how to share it. Consistency doesn't mean every single day, but consistency means showing up a few times a week, a dozen times a month, whatever it is the schedule that you've set, and you show up and you keep doing it, and you keep learning how to do it better.

[00:24:12] You learn how to record video, because as much as you might hate reels, or TikToks, or shorts, or whatever, video is king! Video is king and building your business. And so in number four, when I say consistency, I'm really talking about the consistency of showing up and sharing consistency of growing your email list and, creating newsletters that nurture your audience, the consistency of learning how to use technology to your advantage and building your business.

[00:24:46] Building it big. Becoming known. Becoming seen. Taking up space. And really, that's one thing that the 100 Day Project and building your business has definitely in common. Because without showing up, you don't have it. Right? That brings me to number five. Not being afraid to shout to the world what it is that you're passionate about.

[00:25:13] So many times, artists, we hold back. Right? We hold back because we don't want to be seen. We don't want to take up space. Who am I? You know, we have some, oftentimes, some self worth issues or some like, I'm just doing something that I love. So where is the value in that? It's for me. Well, that's fine. If you're doing something you love for you and you have other ways of supporting yourself, great!

[00:25:37] But if you have decided that the way you're supporting yourself, your future, and your family is through your art and your creativity, you better be damn proud of what you're doing and start shouting it from the rooftop. Make the offer. Show up and tell people why you love it so much and why you want to connect with them.

[00:25:55] And do it from the deepest part of your soul that says this is for love, this is for connection, this is for joy, and everything is going to transform for you. Same with the 100 Day Project. Don't be shy to share it. Don't be shy to be proud of what you're doing. Don't just post a picture and say, Day 1, Day 2, talk about your work.

[00:26:14] Learn how to communicate. Learn how to connect. This is the magic. This is where you make friends, lifelong friends. I have friends from Instagram, from showing up, from learning how to communicate, learning how to comment on other people's posts, and the result of it means that I have global friendship.

[00:26:33] People that I can turn to over and over again, collaborate with, just talk to, and chat with, just on the other end of that, building a business from it. It's incredible what happens when you're willing to take up space. In fact, you can go back to a December episode where Brooke, Henry, and I were chatting and that was what the whole subject was in the end is how to accept taking up space for the thing that you love.

[00:27:00] And the 100 Day Project is going to show you how to do that, because you're showing up 100 days and sharing your work, you need to take up space, you need to tell people why you love what you're doing, what you discovered, how excited you are for a deepening of your practice, why it's meaningful, and how it can help other people.

[00:27:21] You show up with a 100 day project and you're like, Hey, look at what I discovered. I want to tell you about my new favorite tool. Look at what I discovered. If you do this and then this, look at what I discovered about myself when I did this thing. This perfectionism that falls away, this ability to do something imperfectly and for fun and for play and make mistakes.

[00:27:44] When you do that and you share it and you communicate it and you shout it to the world, you're helping other people. You're not being selfish. You're not being brag. You're not bragging. It's not an ego thing. You're showing up and sharing because it's connecting with the world and it does every little message you put out there changes somebody else's life or perspective if they take the time to listen to it.

[00:28:08] And that's the same thing with your business. Your business isn't about here. I'm showing up. Look at me. I'm the best thing that ever happened. You need to all eyes on me attention. Please know it's taking up space so that you can serve with a business. If you're not willing to take up space and communicate your message to other people, you don't have a business.

[00:28:27] It's one of the most important things you're ever going to do is show up and communicate and not be afraid of it. And I think the 100 day project and a business is definitely going to push you out of your comfort zone and get you to take up more space. How's that for you? Is that a little scary? Is that exciting?

[00:28:44] Are you having some aha light bulb moments go off? I hope so. Because what I really want you to do is get out of your own way. Don't make this about you. Make this about the people on the other end that's going to receive the beauty you're creating in this world. Your voice, your ideas, your art, your teaching, your consulting, your coaching, your community that you're building.

[00:29:08] That's for everybody else. Yes, of course, we need money to make ends meet and live in this world. That's the way it goes. More money, better for everybody. But on the other end of it, the real true purpose is how we're connecting. So if we don't take up space. How are we going to help? How are you going to serve others?

[00:29:27] How are you going to help someone who's designing their most Beautiful, peaceful home who needs just the right piece of art to feel that goodness in their heart, the luxury that they wanted, the, the feeling of serenity when they walked into a room, that's actually still a gift for somebody else's eyes to see every day.

[00:29:48] How are you going to serve if you hold back and you don't create the course that helps somebody else get over themselves and start making the art they've always wanted. So when you change how you look at it. And you start taking up space because you're doing it for them, everything shifts and changes.

[00:30:05] It's going to be so much easier for you. So that's my number five of how the 100 day project and owning a business are the same is you've got to start taking up space, baby. And finally, number six, the only way you lose in the 100 day project and building a business is to quit. Now, believe me, I've quit the 100 day projects more than I've ever finished it.

[00:30:31] And there are times and a place to say enough is enough. This isn't working for me. But if you want something, if you really do want something bad enough, it's the motivation to keep going to say, I'm just not going to quit. So I, I decided I committed to the 100 day project and I can't do it in 100 days.

[00:30:50] I'll do it in 300 days. Fine. One, every other third day, however long it takes, you keep going until you accomplish the goal and that's how you win at the game of business as well. You keep moving forward. You learn better. You learn more marketing skills, sales skills, organizational skills, time management skills, communication skills, people skills, and you keep putting your offer out there and you improve it bit by bit and things change.

[00:31:20] But the only way you're definitely not going to get there is if you quit. So if you want to make it to the end of the 100 day project and you want to make a successful business, we're really going to say the difference is really just not quitting. It's sticking with it and keep on going and keep on growing.

[00:31:38] All right, so those were my 6 reasons why the 100 day project and owning a business are similar. And I just wanted to say, what was it that you were taking away from this conversation about what the benefit was? to doing this. What is the benefit when it seems like it's a lot of work? It's something that you have to commit to.

[00:32:00] It's something you have to show up to. It's something that you have to dedicate yourself to. Those are a lot of big things I'm asking you to do with your art and your business. But the benefit on the other end is an accomplishment like nothing you've probably ever experienced before. And that's something that I hear from clients that have worked with me is the transformation, how they feel about themselves and what's possible and their vision for their future in places that they had never dared to dream before.

[00:32:33] And I know this is something that I felt myself. When I started making an income that could match my husband, that could provide for my family, that could pay for my kid's college, that could pay if somebody got sick, to cover the cost of a new roof and not have to stress about money again, and every year to watch it grow again and say, now I'm providing for other people because I have people who work for me and their income is growing.

[00:32:58] It all works out in this most beautiful, generous way. And when I look at how many people I've worked with, that I've communicated with, that I've reached through the podcast, through my social media, through my programs, through my art courses, all of that, and I just look at like, wow. It's like I created this from nothing and here it is.

[00:33:21] And that sense of accomplishment is. Like nothing else I've experienced. Yes. I'm a mom. Being a mom is one of the most joyful things. I'm married 25 years, which is probably my second biggest accomplishment because let's admit marriage isn't easy. But again, I follow those rules of being dedicated and showing up and here I am on the other side of something that I'm very proud of.

[00:33:44] But do any of them quite compared to building a business, a profitable, remarkable business? It's just different. Because there are 8 million people in this world, that means there's a lot of moms who've given birth, and it's a miracle every single time. But how many people actually build a successful business from their art, from their creativity?

[00:34:06] That's the part that like, my brain just goes, wow! You know, I mean, it took me half of a century to figure it out, but I did it! Your sense of accomplishment in finishing what you've started is like nothing else. The growth and the personal expansion you're going to feel as you dedicate yourself to the process is like nothing else I can even explain.

[00:34:30] Only in the doing it will you know. And another big benefit is opportunities that you don't even know exist yet. Are going to be coming your way when you open the door with the 100 day project, when you open it with your business, when you open it with sharing your art, whatever it is, you're doing when you show up consistently doors will open that you don't even expect one of my clients, Susan McCreevy.

[00:34:56] She ended up getting a book deal this year. That wasn't something she expected. One of my other clients, Delight Rogers, she got published in Where Women Create magazine. That wasn't on her radar. Doors started opening because they were showing up. They were putting in the effort. They stayed dedicated.

[00:35:16] They were consistent. They were not afraid to shout to the world, This is what I want. This is what I believe in. This is how I can help you. Let me share with you. Share to the world. And then It just is like a ripple effect. You throw the stone in and it just keeps expanding out in ways that you never would have expected.

[00:35:37] That's a crazy thing that happens when you show up for yourself and you show up for your business and you show up for your art. And I'm very passionate about it. Can you tell like, I'm so excited. I'm fired up about this and I'm really excited for 2024 season on the podcast because I have more of this.

[00:35:57] So if it's something that's resonating with you that you're sitting here going, uh, huh, I'm taking notes. I'm shaking my head. That was a comment that really resonated with me. Come tell me. I want to have a conversation with you. You can either email me or you can drop into my DMs. It's me. I will have a conversation with you if you come and tell me which part of this.

[00:36:16] Absolutely resonated with you the most. And where are you struggling? I want to hear what you have to say, and I'm going to have more offers for you in the coming months, besides the big, amazing program, Build It Remarkable, that's launching in June. I have a lot of other things that I want to connect with you to help you through this podcast and through my newsletter.

[00:36:37] So we're going to have deep conversations and I really hope that this. meant something to you today that starts off your year with like a good big boom, right? And next week's episode, hopefully we'll do the same because I'm going to dive into my future predictions for the online art industry and where we're going next.

[00:37:03] So you don't want to miss it. All right. Thank you so much. Don't forget to like, share, comment. Whatever you can do to help support the podcast and get it out into this world. I love you guys so much.