Spilling the Tea! An Honest Q & A Session with Kellee


[00:00:00] Kellee: Well, good morning. Good morning. Here we are, my friends. Another beautiful Monday, and I couldn't be happier than to be spending it with you as always. Yeah. At the end of the week, I pop in here on my little recorder, perfectly imperfect, and just tell you how it's been so that we can. Run this in between series for you, un made remarkable.

[00:00:24] Kellee: This is my chance to give you behind the scenes look at how the business is going, how my day-to-day is going, whether I'm getting things done, like I promise I'm gonna do, or if I'm falling behind. This is my chance to be transparent and honest with you. And I think that it's gonna make a difference for you to really see what the life of an entrepreneur's like, what the life of a creative's like, what the life of a middle-aged woman taking care of her kids and her husband, and the house and the dogs, and the art and the people, and the team and the, and the Instagram and [00:01:00] all the things that we do. 

[00:01:02] Kellee: That's me. That's me. Kellee Wynne, coming to you on the Made Remarkable Podcast with my in-between series. I pop in here, everybody, so that I can give you a little bit of what's going on, and have been really enjoying being able to answer your questions on the podcast on Monday morning. So if you're interested in having your question answered, if you have something pressing about your own business, or if you have a question about how I do something or what your next best move is. I wanna answer it for you, and I'll take a few of 'em and I'll answer 'em on Mondays.

[00:01:44] Kellee: Um, I'd even be able to just reply to you directly, so just come find me on Instagram. Kellee Wynne Studios. You know where to find me, right? I've been telling you about this forever. K E L L E E W Y N N E Studios. Come drop a [00:02:00] message in my inbox and tell me what your question is. And maybe I'll have a chance to read it here on the podcast and answer it, or maybe I'll answer it directly right there in the inbox.

[00:02:10] Kellee: I wanna know about what you're thinking about being in business. If you've been in business for a while now and you're stuck, you're not quite sure what the next step is gonna be. If you've been. Trying to sell your work and run smart courses and maybe some workshops or you have another wild, crazy idea and you're just trying to figure out how do you get customers?

[00:02:33] Kellee: How do you make money at this? Or you maybe stalled out and you kind of hit a cap. You were hoping that you'd be maybe be making the six figures by now, and I believe it's possible. You know, I really do believe there's no such thing as. Finite amount of wealth in this world, we can all be abundant, and I'm gonna hone in on this and drive it home over and over again every single weekend.[00:03:00] 

[00:03:00] Kellee: You making money doesn't take money out of somebody else's ability to make. Money. Me making money only goes further to support more people. So I wanna see you all get over the starving artist myth and start making an abundant lifestyle out of your creativity, if that's what you wish. Cuz it's not for everybody, as I've said, for some making art is our hobby.

[00:03:25] Kellee: and that's perfectly okay, but for the rest of you who are just sitting on like just hanging on by a nail and you're like, what am I gonna do next? I wanna make this thing happen. I wanna make it work. I've put that video up, I've done the YouTube, I've done the TikTok, I've done the reel. I've tried to do it, tried to do it all the different ways, and I'm getting crickets.

[00:03:49] Kellee: So ask me the question. I wanna help you with this, especially because I'm about ready to launch my first ever group [00:04:00] mentorship program on a large scale to the public, and I'm really excited and very nervous about it, but I'm going for it. I've been sitting on this, working on this. I've, I hired a coach for this whole year.

[00:04:15] Kellee: I, I've gone through all the details, the process of knowing exactly what steps need to happen to get the transformation, not theoretical, not me helping you coach yourself. I know there's a lot of coaches out there that'll do that. And of course, I want you to be able to trust in yourself and rely on yourself.

[00:04:34] Kellee: But I also wanna give you hard facts. You can do this and then take this next step. And guess what? This is how I see a path to success and I wanna help you get there. So literal. Information that you can take to the bank. That's what I want to deliver to you. And that and a, a thriving community of like-minded people who are your contemporaries that you can [00:05:00] network with, that you can mastermind with it.

[00:05:02] Kellee: We can build community, we can collaborate. And do amazing things. I I am ready to launch this thing and next week the application's open and I'll tell you all the details about it. But if you feel like you're ready for that next big step, this isn't a course or, or a short program that this is a year long mentorship that I'm putting out.

[00:05:26] Kellee: So if you've been waiting for me to make that offer, if you've been waiting for that next step. No, it's coming and we are starting and we are doing this together and it's gonna be so amazing. I just can't wait. And just a little clue. I already have a few people who have joined this mentorship because I had some priority wait list.

[00:05:50] Kellee: That doesn't mean you won't be able to get in, but I just wanna let you know that, that apparently it's much needed and very much sought after to have this type of [00:06:00] a program in the art community that we haven't had before for thriving businesses. So I am just, I'm thrilled. That's all I have to say. But now I'm gonna go into answering questions and I'm gonna answer qu a bunch of questions from just one person.

[00:06:18] Kellee: I really appreciate this because a couple weeks ago I said, what are your questions? What are you dying to know? What do you need help with? And. Several people asked questions, and then there was one person who really gave me a good challenge, and I was really quite appreciative of it because I love it when people ask me questions.

[00:06:38] Kellee: Alison Vino Art Studios, and I apologize if I'm not saying it right, but. Was really cool because she asked me all kinds of really great questions and I want to answer them for you, and I'm gonna do my best. I'm gonna run through 'em as quick as I can because it's Monday and we got things to do, right? So here we go.[00:07:00] 

[00:07:00] Kellee: Alison says, how do you organize your day, week, month, year? I kind of suck at it. To be honest with you. My husband really wishes that I would be a little more organized and disciplined, but I'm not. I'm a creative, so I do the best that I can and I hire help for the things that I can't get done. But I usually start with a cup of coffee and my Instagram account so I can get that posted.

[00:07:20] Kellee: Some of my Instagram is taken care of, like Color Crush Creative, and made remarkable. But for Kelly One Studios, that's me. I show up, I tell you. Whatever's on my heart and my mind that day. It's not really put pre-planned. Then I get to work answering any questions, emails that are personal for me, and checking off things off my list, which is usually like record a podcast, meet with a team member, meet with a artist who I mentor plan.

[00:07:52] Kellee: Lot of planning goes into planning courses, making sure things are all ironed out, working on the Virtual Art [00:08:00] Summit. Uh, so day-to-day it's really kind of like, how does it go? Mondays are for team meetings. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday is for. Uh, zoom meetings and planning and recording lessons or whatnot.

[00:08:15] Kellee: Friday is my day to myself and I never seem to protect it, and the weekend is for spending time with my family, hiking, getting chores done, and sometimes making up work because I didn't get things done during the week. And as far as the year goes, I tried to plan everything out the year before, so that's one part that I'm really good at.

[00:08:38] Kellee: where I block off any major family events. First. Those are the most important. Family vacation, a graduation, a wedding, whatever it is that we know. Like for example, this year is my 25th anniversary with my husband, and so I blocked off time to make sure that we are taking a. Big 10 day vacation and doing something really fun, just the [00:09:00] two of us.

[00:09:00] Kellee: And then I put in the big dates of what I know that I want to launch or offer, like the virtual art summit, an art course or my mentorship program that I am releasing next week. And then I backtrack from there to figure out how to fill in all the gaps of what needs to be done prior to launching those things.

[00:09:20] Kellee: I'm going to be offering something later this year, so just keep this in mind. Put a little pin in the back of your head that says, later this year, Kelly is gonna be hosting a big workshop to teach you how to plan out your year when you're running your own creative business. And I think it'll be really helpful.

[00:09:40] Kellee: All right. The other question that Allison asked is, how do you juggle home life chores as well as all your business? Um, and the tips that I have for that. Honestly, Alison, for the longest time I did it all myself, and finally I realized that I don't need to be doing the 10 or $20 an hour jobs. I don't even need [00:10:00] to be doing the a hundred dollars an hour jobs.

[00:10:02] Kellee: I should be saving my energy for the thousand dollars an hour jobs, and that may seem a little ridiculous. But there is some truth in that, and I'm not saying I don't do things myself. I still get on Canva and twiddle around and make graphics, and I still cook dinner for my family. But I hired a house cleaner.

[00:10:18] Kellee: I hired some really great support in my business to do all of the tasks that I knew that I didn't have to do. They weren't my zone of genius. You know, my. Space for my business to help it thrive and grow is making the art, making the videos, communicating with you, showing up for the podcast, mentoring and coming up with the wild ideas.

[00:10:40] Kellee: That's really my job, is the visionary of my business, where I, um, turn to Lisa, my admin, as the manager of the business, and that's how it flows better as far as around. Some things I let slide, you know, my house isn't as perfectly put together or decorated as it [00:11:00] used to be, and I'm okay with that. You know, I tidy up during the week and I have somebody come and.

[00:11:06] Kellee: Clean the home for me and I appreciate that service more than you will ever know. And I feel really proud to be able to hire a woman owned minority business and you know, pay them well to do something that I don't really want to be doing. So I love that my income means that I can give other people income as well, and that's pretty exciting.

[00:11:29] Kellee: Okay. Another question by Allison is how did you find or did your mentors find you? Um, I think it just happened magically. The, as each step and phase through my business, I found the right people at the right time. My last mentor I found through. A, an online program that I was in. And that turned out to be a really good, uh, just over, I think I hired her for about 18 months, one-on-one to coach me to get my business set up [00:12:00] admin wise, and to learn how to hire people and to get organized.

[00:12:04] Kellee: And that helped me grow as well. And then my last mentor I found through another artist, you know, I was asking around, I was like, who do you know? I'm looking for something very specific. I'm not looking. In my case, I wasn't looking for another creative to teach me how to run my business. I wanted somebody with, you know, a couple decades worth of experience of just running a business, of being an entrepreneur, and just understanding the mechanics of it.

[00:12:30] Kellee: And I wanted it to be in a group setting so that I could meet other people who are in the same place as me with big dreams of reaching a million dollars of income in a year. Already doing amazing things and thinking outside of the box. I really love the experience of being in a group setting. So even though I might be able to pop in and get some feedback directly from my coach, I also have the support of the group.

[00:12:56] Kellee: Um, Okay, so another question from [00:13:00] Allison. Yes. I told you, she asked me quite a few really good questions. She said, where are you focusing your attention? Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest. Um, I don't know if any of you have heard of Gary V, but I find him quite endearing, , and all over the place. And some people might think he has a little bit too much macho energy for you, but I love.

[00:13:25] Kellee: Attitude and the way that he thinks, and he is like be all the places everywhere all the time. But the truth of the matter is, as much as I like that, that is not realistic for most of us. He has a crew of people to film him all the time, to record everything he does, and then edit it and put it on everything.

[00:13:41] Kellee: I don't have that. So for me, my attention is still on Instagram because that's where my customer is. I oftentimes will organize the content so that it'll then go on to other sites. TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube. I use them all and I build them all slowly. [00:14:00] But I've focused all my energy for the last decade on Instagram.

[00:14:03] Kellee: Now I'm starting to build more of a following in other places I, I've been using Pinterest for a long time. I find that you can find a lot of leads that way, and YouTube has been really beneficial. And if I was to give anyone. Really heavily consider a YouTube channel right about now. But the best thing that you can do is just pick one and do it really well.

[00:14:30] Kellee: You know that. And an email list. An email list, an email list, an email list. Please own your own domain. We can't control what happens with social media, so make sure you make yourself an email list. Let's. Uh, she asked How do I set up an Amazon storefront contact? Amazon. I am not good with tech like that.

[00:14:50] Kellee: Sorry. That's a, that's a one thing that I'm not gonna be able to help you with on this podcast too much is actual tech , but I can tell you [00:15:00] which tech to use and how to use social media and all the other networks out there. Just as far as setting that up, you're just gonna have to contact them. That's all I did was figure it out myself.

[00:15:11] Kellee: Let's see. I love this question. Listen, with this one of all your business practices, which stream of income generates the most cash flow? I have done so many things. I have tried so many things. I have loved doing so many things, uh, from selling art to curating, to licensing to. Selling online to print on demand.

[00:15:38] Kellee: And those were all the things I did before I turned my attention to teaching. And my honest opinion is that information has an infinite possibility of making income, whereas product is a little more limited. So unless you really understand how to develop product and sell it, which I know some people are doing an amazing [00:16:00] job at that, um, I find that.

[00:16:03] Kellee: The energy it takes to paint one painting and sell one painting and then paint one painting and sell one painting, it's fun. I'm not saying don't do it and I still have artwork for sale from time to time, but the amount of money you can make in a year is limited by the amount of paintings you can paint and sell in a year.

[00:16:22] Kellee: Whereas when you create. Evergreen products on demand, whatever you wanna call it, generating a space for information to be disseminated, then the value of what you're doing goes up and it can be increasing beyond places where you can even imagine. So my biggest income, uh, maker of the entire year is a virtual arts summit.

[00:16:48] Kellee: It's collaborative, that means that I have a lot more eyes on it. I pay for ads to get there. Uh, I use it as a resource to be able to donate money and create scholarships. So it's a [00:17:00] really fun place to put my energy. And then all my other art courses vary, whether it's something that's gonna bring in tens of thousands or more.

[00:17:10] Kellee: And I really love doing that. But of course my biggest passion is mentorship. And I have started that on small scale, and I think that that's where I'm gonna be putting most of my energy as I scale forward in the future. So really honestly, the best thing you can do though is just pick one thing and focus on it for a long while until you've mastered it.

[00:17:35] Kellee: Build that bridge to the island. Set up shop. Do the best you can. Pick one ideal customer, one product to offer them, and one way in which to get that message out on one social media platform. Otherwise, you're gonna burn yourself out once you've mastered that. Then it might be time to move on to the next thing.

[00:17:57] Kellee: All right. I hope that helps. I hope that it really [00:18:00] kind of plants this seed in your mind about what you're capable of and how you can harness this dream that you have, the ideas that you have, or even something that you've already started. Put your energy in it and just focus on that for the rest of this year.

[00:18:19] Kellee: That's my advice to you. And see if you can't go from a trickle of income to a whole hell of a lot more, uh, you deserve to have a profitable business. Otherwise, it's a lot of work for nothing, so why not make it the very best you can. Change your life, change your family's life, change your children's and your grandchildren's life by making a really great income, being able to hire other people and give them great opportunities as well.

[00:18:48] Kellee: It just, the abundance puts out abundance. It's really, there's no other way to explain it, but. You're worthy of it. You deserve it. You have creativity and talent and ideas for a reason. [00:19:00] You are made remarkable. So let's do this. All right. Thank you so much for tuning in with me today for the Made Remarkable Podcast and our in between series, and hopefully this has been useful to you.

[00:19:15] Kellee: I appreciate you so much, and I really hope that you have an amazing week and listen out for. This brand new mentorship program that's coming out. I'll be announcing it next week, and I am so excited. All right, share the podcast. Have your very best day. Love you all. Talk to you later. Bye.

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