The 5 Blocks Limiting Your Success and THE ONE THING You Can Do To Solve It

[00:00:00] Made Remarkable Intro: Thanks for tuning into the made remarkable podcast, hosted by Kellee Winn. On the podcast today, Kellee is sharing one of her big lessons from the Build It Remarkable program. Kellee is a proponent of artists being super successful because who better to be successful in the world then creatives. Do you have a fear of failure or maybe even a fear of success? Are you struggling with lack of focus or not sure where to start? Not sure what the next step is for your business or struggling to find your customers. 

Kellee is sharing her lesson on the five blocks that are limiting you. And the one thing that you can do to solve it. Check out the show notes and transcripts for more information about Kellee's build a remarkable program. A business accelerator for artists and creatives. That teaches the marketing skills. You need to build a profitable online creative business that lasts. The doors are open to join, but only for a limited time. If you're ready to take your business to the next level or gain clarity on some areas you've been struggling with joined Kellee's build it remarkable program before June 30th, 2024. By going to made Forward slash build. Or find the link in the show notes. 

Kellee loves connecting with listeners. So don't be shy. Reach out on social media and together let's build a community that celebrates the remarkable. Thank you for joining us today and always remember. You are made remarkable destined to achieve the unimaginable. Now let's get to the good part. Introducing Kellee, Wynne.

[00:01:24] Kellee Wynne: Well, hello. Hello. I'm Kelly Wynn, artist, author, mentor, fiercely independent mother and wife, and the founder of a multiple six figure creative business. And I love my life, but I've been where you're at. I was slogging away at this art business thing for more than a decade. Once I finally connected with my true calling, unlock the magic of marketing and built a system that could scale, while I realize I can make an impact and make a substantial income, I'm finally running a business that I love and it makes all the.

Difference in the world. My biggest dream is to help you do the same. Let this podcast be the catalyst to your biggest success. You already have it in you because you are made remarkable. So, many of you maybe already have a business. Creative business specifically, many of you have creative expertise and you're looking to figure out how to actually make it work. In 2024, things change so quickly and I know so many artists and entrepreneurs who started something in 2020 when the world shut down and now they've got this, Product or offer out in this world, and they're just like spinning the wheels, trying to figure out how to make it more profitable.

But there's a few things that I see that, many of you are doing or struggling with, I should say, mostly have challenges with that I wanted to cover today and a solution for it. That's why this is called the five blocks. That are limiting your success and the one thing you can do to solve it.

Now there are so many things we can do to solve our problems, but this one thing will make a huge shift for you. And that's why I love teaching this because I really believe it and I've seen it in action many times. I am Kellee Wynn. I am the founder of Color Crush Creative.

With more than 20, 000 students that have come through my online courses. I'm pretty proud of that, especially since some of you have probably been hanging around following me since before Color Crush Creative was even a thing. And if we go and rewind history a little bit, in 2017 I started this color palette program for artists without actually knowing where it was gonna go.

And I spent a whole year dedicated to creating the palettes, creating the newsletter, and building up a raving Fan base community. And it's been like nonstop go ever since then. But if we wanted to go back and rewind even further, I was born into a creative family. My father was an artist. My great uncle was an artist.

And my great grandfather was an artist and I saw around me, people building lives and businesses around their creativity. I didn't know exactly how to do that. So I joined the army, which is pretty like opposite artist. But I loved being in the army for the time that I was there because it taught me discipline and exposed me to the world and that's where I met my husband.

After many years of taking a break from being an artist, after my third child was born, I jumped right back into it and said, that's it. I'm not holding back on my dreams anymore. This myth that as a mother, I can't do it or As someone who hasn't been trained officially in a university that I can't do it.

I just had this belief in the core of me that artists don't need to be starving artists and we can actually get out there in this world and make a difference. However, it took me a while because from 2010 till 2017, I tried all the things. I tried gallery curating and working with licensing designers big shows, even one in New York City.

Only to realize that my biggest strength was teaching. And so that's why Color Crush Creative was born. And through that, I also realized that I really love helping other people build their business, which is why I'm here today. And some of your very favorite artists in this industry. I have been. Fortunate enough to help coach over the last couple of years, but I also want to tell you about my personality a little bit. That's why I wear the t shirt boss, not bossy, because I am a tough love coach.

I like to tell it like it is. I want to encourage you. To do the best, to bring out the best in who you are. I'm not one to sit back and just say, Hey, however you want to do it. And soft approach this. I want to see success for every student that comes through my, my doors. So I thought that when I kind of realized that the thing that was challenging me in my youth being the bossy girl, I could turn into my greatest asset.

I leaned into it more. So. You're spinning your wheels. Many of you have a fear of failure, and let me tell you, I get it, because it feels like it's super scary. to try and do something and not have it work out.

But as I just told you, I've had dozens of different types of forays into business and many of them failed, but it was in those failures that I learned my greatest lessons. But along with fear of failure, many of you are afraid of success. And I can understand that as well, because there was a part of me that says, what happens if I succeed?

Does that mean that I'm going to have to work my My butt off to do this all the time, am I going to change as a person? What am I going to see as my future when success actually happens? And I had a belief that I was destined for success. I believe that we all can, if we can envision it. And what it turns out is you don't change that much when success happens, except for that you feel a little bit more confident in yourself.

When you are successful, you get to share that success with other people. So I'm really a big proponent of artists being super successful because who better to be successful in this world than creatives. But some of the more important things that you guys struggle with would be like A lack of focus or not sure where to start, not sure what the next thing is you need to be working on finding customers, because let's face it.

Once you've started a business, if you don't have customers, you don't have a business because you need to be making sales. Many of you have a lack of confidence, imposter syndrome. These are probably all things that you're like. Doubting yourself all the time saying, okay, but why would I do this when there are so many other people who are doing it better?

And I, all I can say is my friends, only you can be you, but my one solution here is going to help you see how we can jump over that, especially with this last one needing clarity as to where to go. So I distilled it down into five things, but I notice this over the last couple of years myself, and these are the five blocks that we can narrow everything down in far more succinctly lack of clarity again, that one is probably the number one thing, no matter where you are in your journey as an entrepreneur, whether you're just starting out and trying to get this off the ground, or you've been doing it for a decade, the clarity question comes up over and over again, what am I doing?

Who am I doing it for? What am I supposed to be working on? How am I supposed to make this work? What am I supposed to be doing? And that lack of clarity kind of, infuses into everything we do. So then our customer doesn't actually know Who we're talking to or why, so they don't feel compelled to follow us.

They don't feel engaged in what we're doing. They're not a raving fan because they don't know exactly what it is that you do, because you don't know what you do, right? You're not sure who you're for or which direction that you're going. And I really believe that something that will make a huge difference in every business is to have that kind of Concrete clarity, and no matter how long you've been doing it, whether you've just started or you've been doing it a decade, my clients have said that this has been revolutionary for them to get that kind of clarity from my programs, even after they've been doing this for a very long time, of course, that. Time management time is just one of those things that everyone says that they are out of no matter whether you're working full time or you're a parent or your caregiver for your parents, or you're doing this job. And you just feel like you're like working 12 hours a day, which is not the reason why we started a business for ourselves in the first place.

Right? So our capacity is at max because we have it does take a lot to run a business. I'm sure you're like, nodding your head right now. It's like, I've had to learn so many skills, tech and social media and how to photograph or edit videos. And the list just goes on and on communication and communication.

Copywriting and there's always something new that seems to be coming up and as soon as you've built one thing You've got to build another and sooner or later. You're at max capacity inconsistent in visibility meaning showing up on social media or in the greater sphere of Public relations.

Most of us, have our, touch and go with our social media. Sometimes we're showing up consistently. Sometimes we're not consistently showing up. Sometimes we send our newsletter. Sometimes we don't send our newsletter. Sometimes we're showing up all the time, but we're always talking about a different thing.

And that visibility becomes completely inconsistent because yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Our audience doesn't know where to put their attention. So that inconsistent visibility happens when we're not exactly sure what we're supposed to be talking about. And it's not fun anymore. It's like, you just feel like you're again, spinning your wheels saying, what am I supposed to do?

The algorithm keeps changing and I can't keep up with this anymore. And so you fall off the wagon and next thing you know, you're not posting as much as you intended to post. And when I say post, I'm talking about whatever platform it is that you use, You're not showing up regularly. Of course, that's because you don't have a real plan.

You don't know the future of your business, right? Entrepreneurs who are really successful are looking out at least 3 years in advance. They know what their goal is, where their destination is, and they put Plays into action things that they're doing now to help them get to where they want to go in the future Even if we're gonna look a year in advance The way I've trained a lot of my clients is we pick a couple of really important big dates in the year and we work Our way backwards in order to make it happen So if we see that this this whole business's trajectory is to grow to a certain Size with a certain product a certain offering and we want to work our way back.

We plan that out So it's no more like by the seat of your pants. What do I feel like doing this month? You really have a clear vision because you're starting to understand the ebb and the flow Of how a business runs or how your business runs, how you want it to run for you, because not everybody has the same plan, but those who are successful, those, who are profitable have a plan, and they're at least looking a couple of years into the future.

And like we said before, missing mindset, I really know. That struggle can be one of the biggest problems for everything that we're doing is just that confidence to show up to put it out there to say, I'm worthy of making money to say that as an artist, my creativity is important in this world to say, I know other people are doing it.

But nobody's doing it quite like me. I can put my voice out into this world. And it's just as important. Getting to that point is really hard. And a lot of that has to do with confidence. And I really do believe that this idea that I have, the one thing is going to help make a difference with all of these blocks.

And let me tell you why. So I didn't invent the rule of one, but I absolutely live by it. You solve one problem for one ideal customer with one simple business model. And let me tell you, all the things that we've been talking about suddenly become much more clear and we have an To have clarity, show up more consistently, have confidence because we know what we're talking about, and also the most joyous thing about all of this is we get our time back because we're not doing all the things.

So it may feel a little counterintuitive to most artists because most artists and creatives are multi passionate. They want to be able to do all the things and not let go of any one of their very favorite projects that they're working on. I get it. We've been told we're supposed to have seven different streams of income and i'll be honest with you, That's a sure way to burn out because you have to build a system for every single one of those streams of income.

So think about that for just a minute when you're doing all the things that's the reason you're working 12 hour days. That's the reason why you're at max capacity or you're quitting before you actually make any success is because. You've been told or you have this desire to hold on to every project that you're doing.

So next thing you know, you're like, I'm trying to get into galleries. I also have my online shop and I've got a workshop and I'm doing art courses and now I'm hosting a membership. And so, you know, you know, if you've got your Patreon and your licensing and your this and that, and next thing you know, it's like, who am I talking to?

Why am I talking to them? Does it even make sense? And you're asking your audience to say, Hey, look at this thing I'm doing here, but also look at this thing I'm doing here. And also I have this thing here. Which one do you want? And then everyone's like, I don't know. You're confusing me. That's a way too many choices, right?

 So I've heard other people who are like, okay, so I'll just open up another Instagram account. Tell me something if that's going to work for you. When you already aren't consistent enough on one, this is how we burn out. This is how we don't have any time to actually make art, which was the whole reason we got into this in the first place.

So I love this idea. It's about having laser focus in our business and having everything for one ideal customer, meaning the person that we really want to serve the most solving one problem, not all their problems. You're not trying to teach them how to make art and teach them how to run a business and teach them how to get into galleries And teach them.

I don't know just name the list You want to also teach them accounting and mathematics for their business like it's too many things and i've seen this happen so many times I I watched someone that I really admire the other day say should I start another account for? Organization and i'm like, but why?

How are you doing with the one account that you have? So when I say this, it's like, we don't have to be on all the platforms, which relieves you of that pressure to be all places all the time. There's no way to do Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest and YouTube and TikTok. And that list goes on. That's a lot of work.

So you pick one platform that you're going to focus on. You're going to solve one problem, one thing that you're going to help somebody else overcome. And believe me. Even artwork is solving a problem. Somebody needs something beautiful for the home and that's the problem you're going to solve. Somebody wants to learn how to make art.

That's the problem you're going to solve, but you want to be incredibly specific for any one of these. And that's why we pick an ideal customer and we don't do it like everybody else did where we say, Hey, Jane, who lives down the street with two kids and her husband's a doctor. And she loves to shop at Target.

And her pain point is, is that she wants to be creative. That's what everybody does. But what I want you to do is really think about that ideal customer. What are her values? Where is she coming from? What is it that she can't live without anymore? What is it that keeps her up at night? Where does she live geographically?

Is she in the suburbs? Is she in the country? Does she feel isolated? Does she feel like there's too much noise going on around her and she needs to quiet her mind? Get so specific about everything that she's struggling with and next thing you know, your marketing is going to take off like that and you're going to have less work to do.

And when I say with one simple business model, I really mean it. When we complicate it, we have too much work to do, and it's exhausting. And so I really encourage the rule of one. Again, I didn't invent this, but I've heard it enough times over the last few years, and it really solidified in my mind when I started reading the book Essentialism by Greg McCowan.

I read through that book, and it was like this light bulb went off. It's like, yes, I had my period of time where I tried all the things. But then I got serious about business and I wanted to be profitable. And for the last several years, all I've done is spin my wheels and realize I was making this exact mistake, trying to do all the things, a workshop, some courses, selling my art, trying to get a print on demand shop up and running, doing a summit, doing workshops in person, writing a book.

Oh my goodness. It was a recipe for disaster, and I totally burnt out. I shut down my membership, and I had to really rethink what I was doing. And it still took me a couple years after that to say, what do I really want to do? How do I really want to serve? Who do I love to help? What problem am I solving?

And then choose to go all in on one thing. And believe me, I've finally been getting my time back. This also opens up that. Opportunity to make more art. Just no one wants to start an art business. And next thing you know, you're spending like 40 or 50 hours a week on the computer. That's not what we're doing this for.

But if you simplify and you get down to this rule of one, I promise you, you're going to be finding your time back within a much shorter time period than the years and years that I watch other artists struggle. So I call this your anti hustle secret. And it's. Your freedom comes from finding a niche. And I know so many artists are like, Wait a minute, but I'm multi passionate.

I feel like I'm giving up part of myself if I let go of all these other things I want to do. And as I've joked, you're crocheting, collage making, Pinterest guiding, you know, like I've made this joke before where it's like, I know you want to do all these things. But in the end, when you try to do all the things you burn out, and if you want an anti hustle life, and you want to be more profitable, niching or specializing instead of generalizing is an incredibly powerful and fast way for you to grow your business.

These are some of the things that I've realized after choosing to stick with a niche that happened. You have better search visibility because you continue to use the same language over and over again. So your search engine, Your posts, your, website, it all becomes more aligned with what the greater algorithm gods understand of who you are.

So, people can find you much more easily. There's also less competition when you get super niche specific. Just think about the difference between, say, Somebody who's a car mechanic or somebody who's a BMW specialist car mechanic and by the way, they make several hundred thousand dollars a year because they've specialized in something so specific and there are fewer of them.

And fewer of them that are doing it well. And so guess what? If that's the niche that you pick, and of course, none of us are really looking to be car mechanics, but I think you get my point. The difference of a generalist versus a specialist means that you can really attract the customer that knows for sure you're the one who's going to solve their problem.

Pain points, some of the other things which you may or may not be ready for advertising cost does actually drop when you pinpoint something that specific because what happens is, and whether it's advertising costs or just the success of your posts and your messaging is, Instead of everyone saying, I've seen this before.

I've seen this before. Everyone's talking about this. Right. Art for my home. Great. Art, a workshop to learn how to make art, a color workshop. Okay. Also nice, but I've seen this before. But when you become more specific, someone says, I've Oh, my God. You're talking right to me. So let's see if I can get more specific with something.

Here's an example of niche freedom of being so specific that it's easier to find a dedicated audience. It's easier to create content. The offer becomes a no brainer. Last fall when I was running a workshop and we were doing some niching, coaching with it, I had someone who said, I'm not sure what, field of work or what I want to be able to create for my business, but I have in the past done workshops to teach iPad.

And I'm thinking, okay, so how can we make this a niche instead of just saying, I teach People how to make illustrations on iPad. Well, if you are super successful, and you already have hundreds of thousands of views, that's probably all you need to do. But most of us are starting with a very small following.

We don't have a lot of people. Who are already recognizing who we are and our expertise in the field. So what I had suggested is we got a little more specific about who these people were that she was working with. And she's like, well, generally, the retirees and they like to travel around the United States, and I'm like, okay, here we go.

Now we're getting specific. You can mark it to the newly retired woman who is on the road in her RV visiting all the natural parks. She loves to be creative, but she doesn't want to haul her entire art studio with her. So now she has the ability to learn simple methods in order to create a new art.

On an iPad, the art along the way and keep her creative juices flowing while she's going without having to bring the whole kit and caboodle and then suddenly it's like, okay, well, where are these people? That's super easy. There's newly retired. There's a message. They're traveling in an RV. There's another big thing.

They love to go and see national parks and they're creative. And you start compounding all these great ideas into a specific niche. And suddenly you're going to have all these people who are like, I didn't even know I needed this, but now you're here and I want it. And that's our goal when we pick a niche and we get really specific.

 Much like your general practitioner or your brain surgeon, you can make more money the more specific that you get, especially as the business grows and you can raise your hand and say, I'm an expert in this field, and I know that I can make a difference for you. Also my favorite part about it is you're working with people that you actually enjoy working with, like they're your ideal customer and you're happier being around those kinds of people.

All right, how do we pick a niche though? And I'm going to give you my four key questions that you can ask, because I know you're multi passionate. Every artist who comes across my path is like, I don't know how to give it up. There's so many things that I love to do, but there is a way that we can take everything about who you are and package it up into something that's really juicy, right?

One of the ways that I describe this, I had a client who talked to me once about how she saw my assistance with her. She says, I'm like a prism. I was taking all these in a reverse prism. Mind you that I was taking all these different layers of who she was and it would filter through me and I would show her her white light.

So we were able to take and distill all the different elements of who she was and come up with something unique about how she wanted to serve. But if you can answer these four questions here, this is what's going to get you on the path of understanding your niche. What do you want to be known for? Not necessarily what you're already known for because I really want you to lean into the thing that you love.

Do you want to be known for a specific type of art? Do you want to be known for specific psychological or emotional thing that you're helping people overcome? Do you want to be known for a super specific niche like helping Artists become more environmentally friendly with their tools, providing them the resources to know how to find that, et cetera, et cetera.

What is it that you're super passionate about? That you can combine all the things that you love, that you know, that you're an expert at and put it together in something that's really aligned with your values and how you want to, Live your life really as a creative and as a business owner, then we get specific about who do you serve, which we've talked about what an ideal client avatar looks like.

Knowing that inside and out and understanding really what makes them tick is the key to understanding that what problem do you solve? And we can get more specific about this and say, let's just dive into that psychological problem. Let's say we're going to go ahead and do digital illustration for newly retired on the go in their camper van.

We are really honing in on the things that they're challenged with, much like I did with you today is to say, I know where your challenges are because I've heard it enough times. And so when I'm able to list to you that I know you're at max capacity, you're spinning your wheels, you're unfocused, you have fear around your business, you don't know where to find your customers.

I've started to figure out where your challenges are and what problem I solve. And that would be the same thing that you would want to do. So if it was teaching, the digital art to somebody who's on the go, it's like, you don't want to lose yourself while you're out there seeing the world, but you also don't want to bring all the things with you.

Let me show you how easy it is. I know you think that digital art might be that confusing. But I'm here to dispel that for you and make it the easiest it's ever been, et cetera, et cetera. So when we start thinking about that actual pain point or the deep desire or thing that they want to be able to achieve or accomplish in their life, that's what this does.

And finally, Really, this is a secret sauce and an amazing marketing campaign and bringing customers in over and over. It's like, how do you stand out? How is your position different from everybody else's position on the same subject? So, if there's thousands or hundreds of thousands of people doing the same thing as you, let's just say, even somebody who is a. Physical trainer at a gym. How do they stand out and show that they're different?

What if they're saying, I don't expect you to ever have to count another calorie in a day. We're going to work on systems in which we can keep you moving and motivated and still lose weight without having the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do you see? So somebody who's saying you don't ever have to count another calorie in a day is standing out from what everyone else says.

And so someone will stop and notice and say, okay, wait, now I'm curious. It's like me saying, I know that you love to be a multi passionate artist, but it's also killing your business, you know? So when I take that controversial or opposite point of view, yeah, it is something that people will stop and that I have so much pushback and so much argument, but when that happens, the right people hear it and see it and say, Oh, okay, I get it.

My point with this is to show you that our compounding efforts really do make a difference when we're hyper focused when we're going all in on the one thing, and we're talking to 1 person. So that we become so known for that.

You become synonymous as the person who's known for the one thing when someone says, Hey, have you ever heard of somebody, where can I learn marketing and strategy for business?

For artists and creatives besides all those big guru names. They don't know anything about being an artist. Oh, well, Kellee Kellee does it so or, who can I go to if I, wanted to learn, you name it, put in your thing of what you're known for you want it to be so well known that other people are talking about it, but I'm going to tell you that I understand the multi passionate plea.

So I have come up with for my. Clients an 80 20 rule because no matter what we do and this is assuming that you're doing something besides selling your art No matter what we do Whatever we've picked here. There's always part of us It's like but I have this artwork and I want to make sure it gets out into the world So even though it might slow us down on this i'm always encouraging a passion project For that multi passionate, if you really feel like there is something that you don't want to let go of, here's your solution.

Just go in 80 percent and save another little 20 percent for something like selling your art or building that online shop where you can continue to have those products going out into this world. So when you're trying to do all of this, Your efforts are diluted and it's going to burn you out. But when you decide on one amazing, perfectly values aligned business model for one customer to solve one problem, because you know, we can get further.

So when we simplify it and we say, okay, I'm going to have this one main course and a couple little supporting things in order to help people find me, then I've got this and I can put it on repeat. Or if I have 1 signature course and 3 times a year, I'm traveling around, to destination workshops, they go hand in hand for the same customer solving the exact same problem. So we want to pick that simple business model and go all in. I hope that that's making sense for you. And it's going from chaos To clarity and let me tell you, this also helps you with your confidence because you know exactly what you're talking about and you put it on repeat and you've been doing it so many times that within just a few short months, you can talk about it with confidence 

you start understanding the tech you understand the one platform you've decided to master, and you don't have to figure out all the other platforms. You don't have to do TikTok. You don't have to do YouTube if you don't want to.

You can go all in on the one thing and it's gonna help you create clarity, buy back your time, and be able to make more art. Literally, I have. People in the league who have joined me and said, okay, it took me all year to finally figure this out. But at the end of it, I decided I'm going to follow your advice and just do one thing.

And now suddenly I have all this time left in my schedule that I can be making art. And that's what I want for you. Right? So because of that, I really am excited about my program build it remarkable. Many of you know that this is what I've been working up all year to release this because I really believe that we can build the future that we want to see in this world.

We can build it for ourselves. And when we build it, right, we're building it for other people as well. It's. The difference between being able to do something that doesn't make an impact that we hold tightly to our chest that we don't show up in this world or having the confidence to know that when we show up as our true authentic selves, when we do the thing we're called to do, we will make a difference in the world.

We will be helping other people. We will be making an income that then also helps other people. It's an amazing thing that happens when we start building the thing that we've actually always wanted. So build it remarkable is specifically a program that teaches you the marketing and strategy that you need.

I don't go into a lot of the details on tech. I'm not going into the details on how to apply for a gallery. In fact, here's exactly what I like to discuss and how we work through Build It Remarkable, the six different modules that I teach. We talk about the groundwork, which is understanding yourself and the things that you bring into this world that light you up and light other people up.

My Made Remarkable philosophy is that we are already made. Remarkable. We don't have to become anything. We just lean into who we are. That's why we end up being boss, not bossy and using our strengths to help serve the world. So we work on that with something that I call creative core mapping.

And I know that it makes a difference. So many people walk away from. Just the first two modules of my program, do the groundwork and lay the foundation with a revolutionary change in how they're doing their business because they finally get the clarity they want. Even people like Wendy Brightville, who's been in business longer than me teaching courses, went through Build It Remarkable last year and she came out the other side saying, this changed how I do.

What I do and gave me the clarity and the foundation that I had never done for myself before. So that's what we work on in groundwork and foundation. We really start getting things set up like really holding accountability for showing up on social media and getting our email set up, but we go deeper into it and build your framework when we start.

Learning our offer orbit system. Remember I said a simple business model, but it definitely has a few Components and every single one of us loves to build our business differently. Not one person needs to do it the same I don't believe in cookie cutter methods. I don't feel like There's just one way to build it one right way There are a few grounding principles and strategy and in marketing that help But the way I like to do it instead of like this offer ladder, where it's like you have a low ticket, then you have a medium ticket and then an expensive high ticket item, we actually create an orbit that feels aligned with what you're doing so we can group different ideas together.

together in a way that's very holistic, construct a simple system. That's when we use prism marketing system, which also was kind of a revolutionary thing that I worked on with the league. When we finally realized that there was this really perfect prism system of a primary marketing content that we make that leads people to a juicy lead magnet.

That's irresistible can't help, but getting on your email list and then nurturing that. Community or potential customer, that's why the people who've joined my programs in the past, their email list starts growing. Like at a rate that is quite remarkably fast, like Sue Ballmer, who went from just a few hundred people to now having thousands and she just joined my program in October and now she already has thousands of people, on her email list and you can do it without it being too stressful.

And of course, we have Wired for Growth and our Cement Your Success, where we're going to start talking about more on the sales. money mindset, how you can actually bring people in to your programs through launches, through evergreen products, even if we're talking about physical storefronts, Some ways in which we create a whole buzz around our business.

It's completely different from Anyone else in the way that they're traditionally doing this. This isn't about take a nice photo put it on your website Market it a little bit on Instagram These are actual real launch strategies that help people make a decision to buy what it is that you are selling And also to keep them as a customer for life.

So, I want you to think outside of the box. One of the things that I'm really good about is helping people see beyond the traditional way of selling one painting at a time, trying to find an audience and just putting their work out there and saying, Hey, this piece is for sale or Hey gallery. I'm trying to get into this gallery or writing there.

Artist statement or submitting stuff, there are a lot of coaches out there that can help you do that. And I am happy to give you a suggestion. I'm really looking for people who are thinking outside of the box beyond their traditional ways of being an artist and selling artwork. I'm looking for people who are creating businesses, brands, ready to make an impact and they're.

Looking at things like digital courses, subscriptions, lifestyle, branding, coaching, content creation, collaborations, community building, all of that kind of stuff. That's my expertise. And so I wanted to make it very clear. If you're just looking for that first go round of how do I post my artwork on social media and get it on my website and sell, that's an artist who's selling stuff from time to time.

I'm looking for people who are Changemakers and ready to build a business or grow their business that they have. All right, so we want to take all the facets of who you are and build a values driven business. business on your own terms.

Every other week I will be, teaching something and then the week after that I will be coaching on it. We'll have two weeks for each module to go deep into it. We will have all kinds of, community aspects including things like co working or sometimes Called study hall, where you get together with your peers and actually work through these ideas together and get feedback, bounce ideas.

I think that's one of the most valuable things about my program, but I also, and they're answering your questions week after week, but because I also know that it takes a lot longer than 12 weeks to build a business and to really implement the things that we learn. I have another 12 weeks of implementation where I'm going to still be showing up for coaching calls and guiding you in our private.


And the thing that I am really excited about this year is that you get two tickets. Yes, two to the online marketing event that I'm hosting in October called Build It Live. I give you two because sometimes it's fun to bring a biz bestie so you can work through things together. I also have a program that I ran.

Remember earlier in this Workshop, I said that it's really important to see into your future. So I have something called creative profit planning, and this is a course that you're going to be able to get 

and because I know not everybody is tech capable, I have talked to the wonderful Robin Marie Smith and she has given me a lot of her courses and lessons from Makers Tech U for those of you who need to understand how to make graphics in Canva, how to edit videos and make reels, and some of the Basic important tech stuff.

We have videos in there in the hub for you to use. That is super valuable. And as Tanya Ahmed said, one of the most important things she learned with me in Build It Remarkable last year was the page builder's manual, where I actually go through and teach you how to build an effective sales page. Because it's one of the core ingredients to making the sale, right? 

So I'm hoping to have you join me for that. Maderemarkable. com slash build. That is the sign up for anyone who wants to join right now. But if you have questions, guess what? That's what I'm here for. And I would love to work with you 

[00:41:04] Made Remarkable Intro: after presenting this lesson online, Kellee had a mini coaching session with a viewer this is what Amy Murray had to say.

[00:41:13] Amy Murray: Yeah, I have been following you for a while. It took me six months to get over the fact that I didn't do this last year. And I watched my friends and fellow artists just go from there to like where they are now. And I have just kind of. Fizzled. I had two memberships. I streamlined it down to one membership 

[00:41:38] Kellee Wynne: because 

[00:41:38] Amy Murray: I was paying attention to what people wanted and they wanted two different things and I thought it was going to be a great idea.

And I just don't know if two workshops a year at the membership, I'm all over the place. And what I do know is I've lost my creativity. I've lost my rhythm. I've lost direction. I haven't grown my membership. It teeters back and forth, so it's not really doing what I need it to do. So then you reach in and go for all the other courses, you know, you go for all the other things.

And you're on the wide instead of the Right. 

[00:42:13] Kellee Wynne: How many members do you have in your membership right now? I have 51. That's not bad. That's a great start, but wouldn't it be great if there were 500 people in there? 

[00:42:24] Amy Murray: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I started with 38 two years ago, so my growth is not good. 

[00:42:31] Kellee Wynne: Right. And that comes down to the focus thing.

Follow one course until successful, do the one thing, the rule of one, however we want to call it. It's like when you put all your energy into one thing, you can grow it. Hi. I've helped people do two things. I've helped people shut down memberships because it was too much and move into something else. And I've had other people who stopped doing other things and went.

Full on force with their membership. It has to be a business model that works best for you. It is not an easy business model because you do have to show up regularly. However, once you have systems in place, it's really nice to have consistent income, and that is one nice thing about the membership model.

How are you with building your email list? 

[00:43:20] Amy Murray: My email list is deep. Well, I don't know. I have 3, 200 people on my email list. So you've been working on it? A little bit, yeah. 

[00:43:28] Kellee Wynne: If you had a more clear action plan around this, how would that feel? If you knew that you could continue to grow it without your creativity suffering, would you want to keep doing a membership?

[00:43:42] Amy Murray: That is the, that is the highlighted question. So I like the membership because that's what pays for all the other things. But like I said, I'm not making right, not making the money. And then, well, I'm assuming like with your marketing plan and what you teach you, like , I stink at emails.

I'm much better this past month, and I have a plan for, actually, I have mostly June's done and set. That's wonderful. Yeah, you can have the biggest list or the smallest list, but if you don't send it, 

[00:44:16] Kellee Wynne: it doesn't 

[00:44:16] Amy Murray: do anything. 

[00:44:17] Kellee Wynne: That is so important. That is so important. Yes, I work it so that it becomes easier and easier and you have systems in place and you know what your plan is for all of it and how to grow the list.

How to talk to the list. I feel like the money's in the list most of the time. I know a lot of people who do really well with selling directly off of Instagram, but if that thing ever shuts off, right? So, building the list is the important thing. Is your membership open all the time, or is it only open some of the time?

[00:44:47] Amy Murray: It is, March and September. 

[00:44:50] Kellee Wynne: Okay, so that means you need not only a good way to build your email list and get fresh eyes on your offer, but you need a launch system in place that you can grow it. Yeah, these are all things that I teach in Build It Remarkable. I can't answer for you exactly of whether is a membership or a course better.

Everybody has to feel out what their capacity is. I shut down my membership because I didn't enjoy that model, at least at the time, because I didn't understand what I understand now. But if you have other things that are distracting and you're doing too many other projects, then it's hard to grow the membership and it's hard to have any time for yourself.

So, if you choose the membership model, I My personal opinion is just go all in on it. Decide that that's burning you out. You can switch to the course model or you can design something completely uniquely you because that's the fun thing about thinking outside of the box. 

[00:45:50] Amy Murray: Yes. And that's, I think, where I'm really interested in getting in with, Made Remarkable and working with others and kind of having people to 

[00:46:01] Kellee Wynne: Bounce the ideas off of.

Oh, my goodness. Yeah, that's one of the reasons I created this because I did so many things in a bubble for so long. It was like, if I have other people that I can work with and talk to, and I know that's what other artists need as well. Thank you so much for your time today.

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